When booking a massage therapy session it is important to leave your appointment feeling refreshed, pain-free and happy to return. Be sure these positive results occur by learning about these massage therapy etiquette tips.
Look for a Professional, Clean, Comfortable Environment
For any form of massage therapy, including sports massage to be effective find a relaxing, professional and comfortable setting. You want to be sure it is a place where experienced, trained and certified specialists practice. The setting is a muscle sanctuary that enhances the body´s healing process. If it is located in a noisy office area then the shoulders, back and legs may tense up finding it difficult to release negative toxins found throughout your body. As a result, the lack of circulation and blood flow makes the knots you came to receive treatment upon worse. Finding the right place is essential to your healing process.
Clothing Optional is Up to You!
Unless your therapist states that clothing is optional then wear comfortable, loose-fitted clothing the therapist can work around. At this point, if you are not comfortable enough with your therapist to decide for yourself if you wish to be clothed or not then you may wish to communicate this with your therapist. Not all therapists are created equal. If you do not get along with one then there is no harm to switching to someone else in that same office. To learn more about what to expect with your massage therapy session, call Eclipse Wellness today!
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