Tennis is one of the most physically challenging sports you can play, and tennis injuries are not to be taken lightly. While the sport is very dynamic, because you’re moving all around the court in various ways, the primary racquet arm is almost always the same.
The running movements around the court are also very explosive with rapid acceleration and deceleration. So there’s a tendency to develop very unique, specific injuries from playing tennis.
Common tennis injuries
- “Tennis Elbow” or technically, Lateral Epicondylitis
- Tendinitis and Tendinosis (beginning stages of tendinitis) of both the Wrist and Biceps tendons
- Rotator Cuff injuries ranging from Tendinosis to partial & non-surgical full tears
- “Frozen Shoulder” or technically, Adhesive Capsulitis
- Hip, IT Band, and Knee strains and sprains
- Achilles Tendon strains and tears
- Plantar Fasciitis
These are just some of the most common tennis injuries we work with, but there are many more we deal with as well.
If you think you have an acute or chronic issue related to tennis, please don’t hesitate to call us. We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have.