Looking for a neuromuscular therapist in Houston is overwhelming. It is difficult to distinguish reputable, experienced, and knowledgeable therapists from the rest. There are people who claim to understand the treatment, but, in actuality, they have no clue. To help ensure you find the right massage therapist, here are the top three components to look for.
Check for Updated Licenses
Massage therapy changes over time. Those who practice it need to remain informed on the latest techniques, lessons and treatments. If the therapist you select has an expired license, then you may want to think twice about booking an appointment with him/her. This could be a sign of someone who lacks the proper skills and knowledge causing further damage to your painful, strained muscles.
Inquire about Client After-Care and At-Home Exercise
Seeing your massage therapist is essential to the healing process, but the care does not come to a halt when the session is over. A knowledgeable therapist provides the client with a take home care guide. Generally, this includes instruction on how to maintain proper stretching, make positive postural changes, and implement exercises designed to assist in relieving the pain. This makes the difference between a short-term solution and long-term relief.
Ask about Experience, Training and Success Rate
When calling around, find out if he/she has direct experience in treating soft tissue injuries. Discover if the therapist is used to working with exact diagnosis from physicians. Is the therapist comfortable working on shoulders, necks and backs or is the therapist confined to working with one body part due to lack of experience? What kind of success rate does the treatment provide? Is the therapist able to execute trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, and on-site massage? Are you able to contact references? All of these questions weed out the novice therapists from the seasoned veterans. To find a massage therapist right for you, call our Texas neuromuscular treatment center today!
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