When faced with an emotionally traumatizing or stressful event, your body’s reaction is to stiffen up. This is a natural response. Now imagine if your body goes through a physical trauma, such as a car wreck or ski accident. The results, your muscles tighten and a constriction in movement occurs. You need a treatment that breaks up this muscle memory reaction from unfolding in this negative manner, even when in a relaxed state. Trigger point therapy is the answer.
Trigger Points Cause Harm if Left Untreated
Let us use a postural strain scenario as an example. If you sit or stand in a specific manner harmful to your body due to weak abdominal muscles, then the other muscles, ligaments and joints overcompensate. It causes an imbalance for everything is connected. Without attention given to the “trigger points,” the pain, strain, and awful soreness will remain. Trigger point therapy addresses these problem areas.
How Does Trigger Point Therapy Work?
There is a medical and scientific basis on why trigger point therapy works, but I am going to break it down for you in direct terms. When you apply a deep, sustained pressure to a knotted area soft tissue releases. It provides an instant relief by reducing muscle spasm, increasing blood flow, and separating scar tissue. The body then goes through a neurological release restoring proper function, reducing pain signals transmitted to the brain, and your body returns to a relaxed state. To find out more about trigger point therapy and neuromuscular therapy, call one of our therapists today. Start living a pain-free life now!